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Colourless | 無色

There’s always have random ideas aroused in my mind during my rushing period for the final presentation
However, I have to neglect them to one side due to the intolerable time factor
Hopefully, I still remember every bit of them
A lot of things happened after the final presentation
Perhaps there are the insignificant incidents that do not make the great impact on the bigger picture
I can’t understand why I am so obsessed with this little stuff
Still, these are the factors that drive me to sit in front of this damn laptop to write out the ideas that incubated in my mind for a period of time

I still able to recall we have a conversation on the availability of a person to be spoken to
Unsurprisingly everyone has their own person to talk to
Unsurprisingly I don’t have an individual to talk to, technically
And then my friend says: "Hey you do have your blog to write!"
Haha yeah you are right, at least for these years
I start to transform my emotion or opinions into image form, coupled with a disordered text to describe it
All works on this blog are created when I am moody
This passage is nevertheless too

We know a couple of people along the different phases of life
We might have few couples or at least a few best friends if we are fortunate enough
Perhaps I’m the one who does not meet the fortunate
Regardless of my major life spent in this city
My stored memories are however infertile when I start to recall my life
I do not sure am I amnesia, or I do not have anything that is worth to commemorate
I would perform my usual duty as an observer to sit aside among the group
To listen to how people could endlessly share his stories, at least it is interesting in my view
If you ask about my stories, I would honestly tell you I have nothing to say
My life is dull and colourless; my speech will bore you

I do not play any games that my peers fond of, this habit does not change until now
I do not have a clear memory of my school life, that everyone is so nostalgic about it.
My existence might be formally expressed in annual class photograph
People are enjoying gossip about the crush happened around, at the same time not forget to be an amateur matchmaker or “professional” counsellor
Anyway I do not have any crush during that time, this fact has astonished my friend pretty well

After two rounds of university life (currently undergoing the second experience)
I wish to seek a grounded or concrete friendship from this level

In the end, I realized I am too naïve to bear that kind of thought
Everyone has their long-established friendship along the time
Is there a spare space to fit you in?
Hence I would sit aside to hear the group discussion
Anyhow, my voice will remain inaudible, how feeble how ignorable it is

Oh yeah, I still remembered a person once said to me that, “I care about you because you are my brother.”
I do not sense a feel of being touched when the word reach my heart, instead, I feel it is hilarious
The act of brother seems adorable to me, however, I just despise it
No prejudice, just my own opinion

If you ask me what so special about me
Perhaps I could only answer: "I am left-handed, holding a pen resembles the act of holding a calligraphy pen, my left thumb eventually deformed because of that gesture."

Other than that, I have no other characteristics to spare


先前在趕評圖的時候 腦海裡冒出一些零零散散的想法
只是礙於時間上的束縛 只好將之擱置一旁
評圖完畢後陸陸續續 發生了一些事情
或許是些芝麻小事 無關痛癢

毫無意外的我沒有一個傾訴的對象 嚴格來說
後來友人說 有啊 你都把它寫進部落格
哈哈 你沒有錯 這些日子以來 至少這幾年來
我開始將我的心情或者見解圖像化 再有些零散的文字把它形容出來
這部落格里的每幅畫與每句話 都是我心情低落的時候所創作出來的

人生過了幾個階段 也認識了好一批人
幸運的話 伴侶也有過好幾個 不然肝膽相照的知己也有好幾個

翻開回憶 裡邊記載的回憶卻貧瘠無比
不曉得我是善忘 還是沒有可留念的東西
當別人可以滔滔不絕的分享他的一點一滴 至少那是有趣的
我靜靜坐在一旁 當個我一貫的角色: 旁觀者
若你問我關於我的故事 我唯有很坦白的說 無可奉告
我的人生就是暗淡無色 我的談話會讓你感到悶騷

我自幼與同輩著迷的電子遊戲脫節 這習慣維持至今
對於同輩回味無窮的校園生活卻不怎麼有印象 我的存在多數格式化的出現於班級照
至於那些與同學曖昧的戀情 大家都愛八卦 也可順便充當媒人或資深兩性輔導員
說真的當我說我沒有什麼初戀 友人也會感到不可思議

經過兩次大學生涯 (現在還在度過第二次)
後來我發現自己太天真 大家都有各自長年累積下來的友誼
所以在人群裡 我只會靜靜的坐在一旁 聆聽你們高談闊論
反正我的言語沒有人在聽 那麼的微弱 那麼的容易被忽略

啊 還有 我依稀記得有人說過 我是在乎你的 因為我是你的兄弟
聽到這裡 心裡的感受並不是感動 而是可笑!
兄弟這詞 說出來鏗鏘有力 那種義不容辭的舉動 看起來讓人動容
沒有偏見 只是個人想法

可能我只能回答 我是個左撇子 握筆起來猶如握著毛筆題字 左手拇指也因此變形

真的 除此以外 我還真的想不出什麼特點來

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